Aim7 TORIKA-T1 Muzzle Brake with 3-Lug Interface


Aim7 TORIKA-T1 Muzzle Brake 3-Lug
9mm/556/223/.30 cal/M13.5x1LH

Linear compensators are part of a specialized family of muzzle devices designed to reduce muzzle concussions. The AIM7 linear comp is a prime example, efficiently collecting and redirecting muzzle gases away from the shooter. This forward redirection significantly reduces the perceived noise levels at the shooter’s ear, resulting in a softer shooting experience. Additionally, by pushing excessive noise and concussion downrange, bystanders also benefit from reduced exposure to muzzle gases.

Aim7 linear compensators have been successfully applied across various shooting disciplines, including:

  • Close Quarters Combat (CQC)
  • Competitive Shooting
  • Varmint Hunting
  • Law Enforcement
  • Indoor Ranges


  • No Crush Washer Needed: Installation is straightforward without the need for a crush washer.
  • Optional Indexing: If indexing of wrench flats is desired, a crush washer or other timing device can be used.

Features of the AIM7 Linear Comp

  • Overall Length: 2.75 inches
  • Outer Diameter: 1.38 inches
  • Caliber: Varies based on barrel thread
  • Weight: 6.2oz
  • 6061 Aluminum
  • Surface Finish: Black anodized

Torika 3-LUG Interface

MACH 3-Lug Mount Features:

  • Added Length: .54″
  • Outside Diameter: 1.285″
  • Material: USA Steel
  • Coating: QPQ Black Nitride
  • Weight:
    • 9MM – 3.4oz

What is a Linear Compensator?

A linear compensator, also known as a linear comp, is a device attached to the muzzle of a firearm that redirects the gases expelled when a bullet is fired. Unlike traditional muzzle brakes or compensators that direct gases to the sides or upwards to reduce recoil and muzzle rise, a linear compensator directs the gases forward. This design offers several benefits:

Benefits of Linear Compensators

  1. Reduced Recoil: By directing gases forward, linear compensators help mitigate the backward force felt by the shooter, making the firearm more comfortable to shoot.
  2. Muzzle Rise Control: While not as effective as traditional compensators in reducing muzzle rise, linear comps still help maintain better control over the firearm during rapid fire.
  3. Reduced Side Blast: Traditional muzzle brakes can produce a significant side blast, which can be unpleasant for the shooter and those nearby. Linear compensators minimize this side blast by pushing the gases forward.
  4. Enhanced Sound Forwarding: The forward direction of gases also helps project the sound away from the shooter, reducing perceived noise and pressure.

Applications of Linear Compensators

  • Home Defense: In confined spaces, the reduced side blast is beneficial as it minimizes the risk of disorienting the shooter or bystanders.
  • Tactical Shooting: For tactical operations, the forward-directed gases reduce the likelihood of disturbing teammates or giving away the shooter’s position with a side blast.
  • Recreational Shooting: For sport shooters, the reduced recoil and more pleasant shooting experience enhance overall enjoyment.

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